Cabin Fever
Collision 2016
Nature Calls
Desperate Times
Argument: Civics
I Live In A Senseless Town
His Story Repeats Itself
Mars Freedom Colony
Argument: Ethics
A Wake
Hard Knock Rock
the page: Thursday Oct 13, 16
Page 24 of 26 pages.
This blurb was written when this comic page first went online. It might not accurately reflect the current state of the RACIANTAU project. Consider it a piece of history.
Doing some fancy visual things in that “first panel,” hunh? More than most pages I’m convinced this one stands on its own rather well, so I’ll try to avoid commenting too much on it.
I suppose I do wonder, “Is this really the first time Bunners has seen another one of her species fighting?” But there’s a lot left unspoken in this story. In the text, Bunners seems to have managed to sleep through some fights and she comes off as rather oblivious. I also wonder how old she is – in my head, she’s probably only been with Racia for a year or two.
Anyway, I don’t see that sort of information as important to the story – if I thought it were, I would’ve included it in the actual text. I have my own prejudices, though, which I recognize influence how I consume stories and how I tell my own. I like feeling slightly frustrated or confused by a text. I assume negative emotions I feel toward a work I mostly like are negative emotions I was meant to feel. I guess that’s a good argument for not explaining too much in these blurbs – if you walked away feeling upset and I intended that, but then what I say down here makes you less upset, there’s an argument to be made that I’m detracting from my own work.
An argument to be made, sure, but not one I’m totally convinced by. I’m not sure. As a somewhat related anecdote that may or may not be relevant: I really enjoyed disliking Korra during The Legend of Korra’s Season 2 and I made a lot of arguments on various comment threads before the Avatar Wan flashback that not only were we, the audience, supposed to dislike Korra’s actions during that arc, it was also the only way we could ever really like her again after the disappointment that was Season 1. Not only were a lot of people stubbornly opposed to my interpretation of that season, I was also treated not-too-kindly for the suggestion that a show that was annoying so many of us could possibly be doing so on purpose for an emotional change in the back half of the season.
When my predictions came true I’d already grown tired enough of being mocked and ridiculed in those spaces that I didn’t bother logging back on to tell the usual suspects, “I told you so.” Oh, wait, uhhh– I mean– I’m not the sort of person who would say I tol– oh, screw it.
Poor Bunners.
the story: Battlemon
In a cheap but legally permissible knockoff world in the style of Pokemon or Monster Rancher we peek into the shared lives of a young woman (Racia) and her Battlemon partner (Bunners) as they navigate the expectations society has of them and they have of each other.
the comic: RACIANTAU
An ongoing study in comics, storytelling, and philosophy, RACIANTAU is a comics anthology structured in the form of an essay. The title of the project (pronounced /rɔsiɑntoʊ/) is a contraction of the names "Racia" and "Antau" — the two main characters. The kids try to make sense out of a senseless world of VIOLENCE, IMPERMANENCE, ISOLATION. Anxious about the FUTURE OF OUR SPECIES, they find themselves face to face with the VOID WHICH CONSUMES ALL THINGS. In each story, one or both of them inch closer towards self-realization.
We're a self-taught comic-making duo with absurd politics and philosophy. We've made every page out of a desire for exploration and improvement. But if you enjoy what we put forth, your kind words will motivate us (email: hello@raciantau.com). If you want to read more, please join our fans and become our patron.
Em & Iris