Cabin Fever
Collision 2016
Nature Calls
Desperate Times
Argument: Civics
I Live In A Senseless Town
His Story Repeats Itself
Mars Freedom Colony
Argument: Ethics
A Wake
Hard Knock Rock
the page: Wednesday Nov 02, 16
Page 02 of 12 pages.
This blurb was written when this comic page first went online. It might not accurately reflect the current state of the RACIANTAU project. Consider it a piece of history.
“They” say, “Write what you know,” and like most “true” statements there are a lot of possible interpretations of that line. I’ve always taken it to mean that you ought to be writing things you know to be true; you know, the way horror writers and filmmakers tell stories about things they know scare them?
They know the story they’re peddling is scary because it is scary to them. Obviously it might not work for others; but nothing you ever do will always work for others, so that shouldn’t be a primary consideration.
Anyway. I’ve been afraid of death-by-falling for most of my life. For most of my life airplane travel felt different, more safe for some reason; I would only really be “afraid of heights” when I was right up at the edge of one. The strange pull one feels at a cliffside, the knowledge that one step more and it’d be too late to do anything else …
Those feelings aren’t what we’re talking about in “Cabin Fever.” Don’t worry, shhh. That’s a secret.
the story: Cabin Fever
Racia is in trouble when an otherwordly storm interrupts her flight over the freezing tundra. As passengers are tossed this way and that, Racia's thoughts drift from her present predicament to the horrible possibilities the future may hold.
the comic: RACIANTAU
An ongoing study in comics, storytelling, and philosophy, RACIANTAU is a comics anthology structured in the form of an essay. The title of the project (pronounced /rɔsiɑntoʊ/) is a contraction of the names "Racia" and "Antau" — the two main characters. The kids try to make sense out of a senseless world of VIOLENCE, IMPERMANENCE, ISOLATION. Anxious about the FUTURE OF OUR SPECIES, they find themselves face to face with the VOID WHICH CONSUMES ALL THINGS. In each story, one or both of them inch closer towards self-realization.
We're a self-taught comic-making duo with absurd politics and philosophy. We've made every page out of a desire for exploration and improvement. But if you enjoy what we put forth, your kind words will motivate us (email: hello@raciantau.com). If you want to read more, please join our fans and become our patron.
Em & Iris