Cabin Fever
Collision 2016
Nature Calls
Desperate Times
Argument: Civics
I Live In A Senseless Town
His Story Repeats Itself
Mars Freedom Colony
Argument: Ethics
A Wake
Hard Knock Rock
the page: Monday Nov 14, 16
Page 07 of 12 pages.
This blurb was written when this comic page first went online. It might not accurately reflect the current state of the RACIANTAU project. Consider it a piece of history.
A calmer page. When I first finished this it was odd to look at. The last five pages were so dynamic there was an almost inevitable adjustment period going into this one.
Still, there’s a lot going on this page. Visually, ethically.
For a while, I’ve been fascinated with the idea of situations that force the necessity of cannibalism on folks. Usually I go back to reading up on the Donner Party and the 1972 Andes flight disaster. I want to make it clear that I’m fascinated by the idea of the situations and the necessity, NOT the “cannibalism.” I want to make that clear because it feels too easy for a certain type of person to focus on the lurid nature of the taboo we’re discussing and not hear what’s actually being said.
We all have a sort of gut reaction, almost definitely culturally implanted, that cannibalism is wrong. Even if you don’t have an ethical obligation against cannibalism (which is rare), there are good medical reasons to avoid it. The here isn’t to talk about cannibalism, it’s to talk about what you do once you’ve found yourself functionally obligated to do something wrong.
Put more simply, if there is a “point” to “Cabin Fever” it ain’t on Page 06, it’s on Page 07.
I’d like to think none of these RACIANTAU stories have “a” “point,” though.
the story: Cabin Fever
Racia is in trouble when an otherwordly storm interrupts her flight over the freezing tundra. As passengers are tossed this way and that, Racia's thoughts drift from her present predicament to the horrible possibilities the future may hold.
the comic: RACIANTAU
An ongoing study in comics, storytelling, and philosophy, RACIANTAU is a comics anthology structured in the form of an essay. The title of the project (pronounced /rɔsiɑntoʊ/) is a contraction of the names "Racia" and "Antau" — the two main characters. The kids try to make sense out of a senseless world of VIOLENCE, IMPERMANENCE, ISOLATION. Anxious about the FUTURE OF OUR SPECIES, they find themselves face to face with the VOID WHICH CONSUMES ALL THINGS. In each story, one or both of them inch closer towards self-realization.
We're a self-taught comic-making duo with absurd politics and philosophy. We've made every page out of a desire for exploration and improvement. But if you enjoy what we put forth, your kind words will motivate us (email: hello@raciantau.com). If you want to read more, please join our fans and become our patron.
Em & Iris