Cabin Fever
Collision 2016
Nature Calls
Desperate Times
Argument: Civics
I Live In A Senseless Town
His Story Repeats Itself
Mars Freedom Colony
Argument: Ethics
A Wake
Hard Knock Rock
the page: Monday Nov 21, 16
Page 10 of 12 pages.
This blurb was written when this comic page first went online. It might not accurately reflect the current state of the RACIANTAU project. Consider it a piece of history.
Tying a lot of things together on this page. Visually and ethically, as these things go.
This page, more than any other in “Cabin Fever,” reminds me of that old saw that film directors will watch their movies without sound – that it’s the best way to make sure their story makes sense. I think I’ve also heard they’ll listen to the audio without the visuals? But I’m less sure on that point.
In light of that idea, I struggle with this page: it’s the only page on which I’m not convinced the story “makes sense” without the text. Of course I can tell what’s happening on the page; I wrote it and drew it. And it’s difficult for my editors to make judgments on that sort of thing, since most of them have been corrupted by seeing storyboards and scripts and the page throughout the production process.
Hmm. I don’t want to dwell on this sort of thing – to be honest I’d rather just sing RACIANTAU’s praises down here non-stop. And I’m very proud of this page for a number of reasons I won’t go into detail on. I suppose I bring this up to humanize the creator (which is for all you know a bear in pajamas) and to give amateur and aspiring artists out there something to feel good about.
I used to love reading through comics and nitpicking tiny mistakes and details, areas where lines crossed over others, repeated backgrounds, what I thought was “overly simplistic” art. Those sorts of activities inspired me with a confidence that, looking back on my art from those days, was in many ways wholly undeserved. By now I find that sort of exercise inherently vapid and narcissistic, but if it’s the sort of thing you still like doing, forget I said that and more power to you. I offer my own art up for relentless criticism. I hope it inspires you to create something beautiful. I hope you’ll share it with me when it’s finished.
the story: Cabin Fever
Racia is in trouble when an otherwordly storm interrupts her flight over the freezing tundra. As passengers are tossed this way and that, Racia's thoughts drift from her present predicament to the horrible possibilities the future may hold.
the comic: RACIANTAU
An ongoing study in comics, storytelling, and philosophy, RACIANTAU is a comics anthology structured in the form of an essay. The title of the project (pronounced /rɔsiɑntoʊ/) is a contraction of the names "Racia" and "Antau" — the two main characters. The kids try to make sense out of a senseless world of VIOLENCE, IMPERMANENCE, ISOLATION. Anxious about the FUTURE OF OUR SPECIES, they find themselves face to face with the VOID WHICH CONSUMES ALL THINGS. In each story, one or both of them inch closer towards self-realization.
We're a self-taught comic-making duo with absurd politics and philosophy. We've made every page out of a desire for exploration and improvement. But if you enjoy what we put forth, your kind words will motivate us (email: hello@raciantau.com). If you want to read more, please join our fans and become our patron.
Em & Iris